Thursday, March 1, 2012

27 Weeks - Sick and Pregnant

Forgive me, audience, if my blog post tonight is rather short. I'm suffering from a fabulous sinus infection tonight. I went to the store to grab the one medicine that brings me relief - Mucinex D - and stood speechless when I realized that it cost $23 for 18 pills. $23 can buy me almost 8 tall Chai Tea Lattes. $23 is a box of Dora Easy-Ups for Lidia. Jason could hold $23 in cash in his wallet for weeks without spending it. And here I was considering plucking down $23 for something that would bring me some relief for a couple of days. I let Lidia be my deciding factor - I asked her if I should get it or if I could manage without it. She looked away, thought about it, and then looked back at me and said confidently, "Mommy, you can manage without it."
I feel more confident being sick pregnant the second time around. Yes, I do think twice about taking any medicine, even if it is on my handy-dandy approved medicine list that I got from my doctors. I know where my breaking point is and once I reach it, I may dish out $23 for some Mucinex. But until I get there, I'm going to try to manage without it. Here's to hoping Tylenol will at least take the edge off!

Little Cabbage Head

Congratulations Leo! We are closing out the second trimester this week. We're ready to head for the homestretch. I am so over-the-moon happy that in three months, I will be holding and loving on you.

I would be surprised if you have slept for more than a 1 hour stretch in the past 24 hours. Either that, or you like to move while you are asleep. You have been moving so much. Right now I'm just watching you move one of your appendages from one side of my belly to the other. If your movement in the womb is any indication of what you will be like in this world, then we have another Lidia on our hands!

It's time for both you and mommy to get some sleep now. I love you my sweet baby boy!

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