Thursday, March 22, 2012

30 Weeks - Our Glass is 3/4 Full!

We have only a quarter of the way to go until we get to see our precious baby boy. I can't believe that we are at this point already! This is where the action phase kicks in. This is where we take out our to-do list and begin checking everything off. Clothes - check. Furniture - check. Name - check. 3D/4D ultrasound - uh oh!

It has been no surprise that through this pregnancy, I have wanted to replicate and reproduce activities that happened with Lidia's pregnancy. The blog, the belly pictures, the Big Reveal - they are all important parts that I didn't want baby Leo to miss out on just because he was baby number two. Naturally, I also want to have a 3D/4D ultrasound with him, like we did with Lidia. I have scheduled one for next week and could not be more excited. We had the fortunate luck of seeing Leo cozy in the womb 4 times before week 20. But, sadly, we haven't gotten to see him since then. I understand why some people would not want to spend the extra money or time on getting one of these ultrasounds done. I, however, would not miss the chance to see our baby boy. We've got 10 weeks left to wait patiently, and seeing his face and body would help these next 10 weeks go by so quickly. Jason isn't so keen on doing the 3D/4D ultrasound this time - he says he wants to be surprised. While I want to respect my husband's opinion, I am taking the opportunity to be selfish. I am with Leo everyday. With every move he makes, I try to envision his face, his eyes, his mouth, his nose. Having the amazing pictures that a 3D/4D ultrasound can produce will make me feel so much closer to our baby. Finally, I want to because I can. Every pain and every contraction that I have can be wiped away by seeing his face. And I can't wait to share his handsome face with you next blog!

Cool as a Cucumber
Leo, don't get me wrong, we are excited for you to enter this world, but not quite yet! Mama has been having some consistent contractions these past couple days. The doctor said that it's just second baby "stuff," so I am not too worried about them...just yet. Mama had to tell you sternly last night that you better stay put for at least another 9 weeks!

Son, we are so excited to see you (in ultrasound form) in less than a week! I'll be sure to drink some fruit juice beforehand so you'll be sure to be active - hopefully you'll put on a nice show for us. You are continuing to gain weight this week. In fact, each week from this point on you'll be gaining close to a half of a pound. We couldn't be more ready for you to enter this world and become part of our family. Your brain is growing rapidly, as usual. I have no doubt that you will be just as smart as your older sister.

It's time for this contracting mama to get some sleep now (and maybe some ice cream as a night-cap). Good night my love!

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