Tuesday, November 1, 2011

10 Weeks - I Need a Sign to Let Me Know You're Here

I need a sign to let me know you're here
All of these lines are being crossed over the atmosphere
I need to know that things are gonna look up
'Cause I feel us drowning in a sea spilled from a cup

I can tell things are starting to normalize again in our lives. Our worlds are creating a new normal - but it's becoming familiar now. As I reflect on how Jason and I were debating over cribs this week and not stressing about peanut's health, I realize that we have let our worry go. And Sunday - what a day. I haven't had a day like Sunday in a while. I was relaxed, but motivated to do work and play with Lidia. I had energy (but still took a nap) and had a refreshing outlook on the world. The Steelers won their game, the Bengals won theirs - our worlds were in harmony.

The number one event that can be attributed to this new-found normal is our doctor's appointment on Friday. I was giddy and nervous for this appointment. I had been counting down the days. As we entered that oh-so-familiar place that is our OB-GYN office, I realized that I had really missed it there. And I think the reason why is that at the culmination of all of my visits, I got to take home my beautiful baby, Lidia. Now, the same sweet anticipation returned. What a reward it will be to again walk out with another beautiful, healthy baby.

The first thing was first - weight check. I happened to weigh in at the same exact weight as I was when I had Lidia's first prenatal appointment. Then, it was pee-in-a-cup time and finally blood pressure check. After these routine procedures, (procedures I will be doing at every appointment) we were escorted back to our room. On our way back, I glanced up at the pictures of all the babies that our practice had delivered and immediately my eyes were brought to Lidia's birth announcement. I was almost brought to tears by this, and literally stopped in my tracks to stare at her beauty, while at the same time envisioning our next bundle of joy stapled right along next to her. We then arrived in our room and here Jason and I anxiously awaited the arrival of our doctor. And how ironic that our appointment was with the same doctor that we met with first when pregnant with Lidia, as well as the doctor who delivered Lidia. Dr. Rinala walked into our exam room with a smile on her face and a big "Congratulations! You guys are switching it up with a Spring baby instead of a Fall one!" And almost immediately my nerves were calmed by her. She went on to explain all the implications of my cyst to Jason and I. She ordered us to not worry about the cyst - that she is the one who is to do the worrying. She assured us that any intervention that needed to be done - including surgery - would not affect the baby. I told her that I like numbers and asked her to give me some stats. She said that she has dealt with many women in my same position. And the likelihood of me having a miscarriage at this point is no higher than anyone else's. In fact, there is only a 3% chance of a miscarriage at this point in anyone's pregnancy. Praise the Lord! After this discussion, Jason and I felt that peanut was safe - and in good hands.

This news could have satisfied us enough. But Dr. Rinala gave us a present for which we will be forever thankful. You see, one of the 7 doctors in the practice, Dr. Wurzbacher, had notified me in my pregnancy with Lidia that Dr. Rinala had written and underlined VERY ANXIOUS in my notes. At this visit, I have a feeling that Dr. Rinala knew that it would bring much peace to Jason and I to see baby peanut. And, a funny tidbit was that she actually referred to peanut as "peanut" without us even mentioning it to her. She said, "Let's take a quick peak at peanut." Peanut's entire body then glowed on the ultrasound screen. Peanut was bouncing around and moving his/her hands and legs. Dr. Rinala narrowed in on peanut's heartbeat and it was strong and steady. Then, like magic, it was almost as if mine and Jason's heartbeats synced up to peanuts and became strong and steady, too. To conclude, Dr. Rinala explained that we would be getting an ultrasound at every visit to monitor the cysts' growth - which would in turn lead to a most inevitable peak at baby.

We walked out of there with our next appointment - November 21st - and our new normal begun. We are now a family of 3 with one on the way. No matter what complications may arise from this point on, there is a baby in me. A human who has established every organ by this point. It is our child and we are it's parents no matter what, for the rest of our lives. And we will thank God every day of our lives for that - for them.

And I couldn't let this blog post be published without a Halloween picture. We had a blast!


Hey, I'm feeling pretty good! Yes, not completely normal - but good, comparably! Acid reflux - check; bloat - check; constipation - (double) check; nauseousness - check (but only in the evenings). New symptom alert - boobie soreness. Sorry Jason - hands off for awhile! My appetite is slowly regaining momentum. Today I was able to eat a veggie sushi roll, which is a huge step! I think some turkey chili may even be on the menu for dinner (if Jason's lucky!).

I Love You

Hey there, prunie! Apparently, you are starting to grow hair now. If you are anything like your sister, your hair won't start growing until you're about 15 months. But, you could prove us wrong and come out with a full head of hair, which I would welcome! Your bones and cartilage are forming now and your little teethers are taking their place. It was such a blessing to be able to see you this week, peanut. You looked so cute hanging out in mommy's womb. You've begun swallowing some amniotic fluid, and it may start to taste like what mommy is eating. Hope you like sushi:)

I am so proud of you, peanut. You have withstood all of the stress mommy went through on her trip to San Diego, as well as the stress of the cyst with whom you have to share space. You seem to be almost oblivious to the stresses that have been going on, which is fabulous. You are one tough cookie, peanut. Keep growing healthy and know that mommy and daddy are anxiously awaiting our next sneak peak at your beautiful face!

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