Sunday, October 2, 2011

Amnesia - 6 Weeks

I am convinced that pregnancy and child birth are the most stressful events a person has to go through in a lifetime. Not only is it physically taxing, it taxes a person's emotional well-being, too. After Lidia was born, I remember thinking on a daily basis, "Why on earth would someone put themselves through this again?!" Well it's all crystal clear now. It seems that the good Lord above puts us women under some sort of amnesiac spell. All of the pain and feelings are forgotten and brushed off as, "Oh, that wasn't so bad." And then, the husband is looking a little sexy one night and 6 weeks later it all comes crashing back to you.

Yes, I'm here at the 6th week and I'm nauseous as ever. There's no morning sickness or nighttime sickness this time - its all-of-the-time sickness. I can't seem to catch a break. My aversions are starting and boy are they ruthless this time around. Anything sweet - even yogurt - makes me want to find the nearest toilet and bury my head in it. The only thing I can think of at this time that doesn't make my stomach turn is orange Gatorade and soup. But, I'm making a point to suck it up and eat as healthy as I can. This evening, I was making a salad to go with dinner and it took all I had to put the fork to my mouth and eat it. After it was done, I was fine. But thinking about it now brings me one step closer to the trash can. Its amazing how quickly the body registers pregnancy. My good friend, constipation, has decided to show his face again already and exhaustion has hit me like a 10 ton load of bricks. Couple these fabulous symptoms with a 2 year-old and you've got yourself a completely different pregnancy than before. On weekends, I get the ability to nap while Lidia's napping, which takes care of the exhaustion problem. However, during the week, I'm not even remotely able to think about taking a nap. So, I just have to power through it. And honestly, I love playing with Lidia after work and she actually helps rev up my energy, so let's hope it continues that way.

Other than looking and feeling like I'm 5 months pregnant (I've got the first trimester bloat big-time), this pregnancy is still pretty much under wraps. We're going to keep this to ourselves a little longer than last time (and yes, I've told a couple people - you know me!). Even though Lidia is one smart cookie, I'm pretty sure she doesn't understand what is going on. If you ask her what is in mommy's belly, she will tell you. But, she never brings it up herself so I'm pretty confident we don't have to worry about her spilling the least yet.

One last thing to mention, I've been having a lot of abdominal pain lately. So much so that I have to sit down gently so as to not aggravate my lower abdomen more than it already is. I went to my family doctor and she is convinced it is IBS issues, but wanted to schedule an ultra-sound to rule out an ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy is one that was unable to move to the uterus and resides in the fallopian tube, which creates a lot of pain. Of course, we are very optimistic that this is not the case. But, I couldn't turn down the opportunity to take a sneak peak at the little one so early. Hopefully I'll have picture to share next blog. :)

Our Little Peanut
I titled this blog "Little Peanut" because it was the first term your father referred to you as he kissed my belly for the first time. We are so beyond thrilled to be expecting you in 9 months, baby. We are already planning for you - thinking about who your babysitter will be, what room we will place you in, and all the fun things we can do together. Your big sister Lidia is so enthralled with babies so we are confident that she will be ecstatic to have you in her life. It's been only 6 weeks but we are so attached to you already, little one!

It's so fun to read about how you are growing, my dear. You are already a quarter-inch long and your heart is beating! Your entire body is being formed as I type - from your lungs to your fingers, there are special cells that are being set aside for each beautiful part of you.

I'm very excited to get to see you this week! I hope you are cozying up well in my warm belly. If you are anything like your sister, you may get so cozy that you don't want to leave.

It's time to sign off now, my dear. Keep growing healthy and know that your mommy, daddy, and sissy love you more than anything. Night night!

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