Thursday, February 9, 2012

24 Weeks. The Coast is Clear.

There is something mysteriously settling about being 24 weeks pregnant. While there are no guarantees in life - and no guarantees for life - it brings me peace to know that we have reached the 24 week mark. If, by some ill-fated chance, baby brother was forced to come into this world at this point, there would be a chance for his survival. According to statistics, over half of the babies that are delivered at 24 weeks will live to see life out of NICU. They will most likely be looking at a long stay in the hospital, needing much support when it comes to respiratory function, staying warm, and eating. These little miracles are called micro-preemies and are usually only 1 to 2 pounds. They face many physical and mental challenges that will follow them throughout their life. Though this would be such an unfortunate fate for any baby and any family to have to endure, the great thing about these babies is that they have life - that they have survived.

I have this amazing gift inside of me. The miracle of life. I feel him stretching, kicking, and curling up for a mid-morning snooze. We talk to him, we include him in our daily activities. We want nothing more than to see him and hold him and kiss his sweet lips. However,  my prayers are directed at him to remain growing healthy and strong in his cozy womb for another solid 16 weeks. But, I know feel comfort in knowing that, though never wished for, the silver lining on a preemie baby cloud would be knowing I could now hold him in my arms.

Sweet as a Grapefruit

Hi, my sweet baby boy. I feel like I'm getting to know you very well lately. Lidia and I were coloring tonight and you made it very apparent that you wanted to be a part of the fun, too. Lidia loved to watch my stomach tonight as you kicked, twisted, and turned. She kept talking to you and it's almost as if you would respond to her by giving your "kick" of approval. I have this vision of you sensing her hand on my stomach, and you slowly using all of the coordination that you can muster up to place your hand to meet hers.

Capillaries are now forming in your skin, which will give it that pink glow. You will now begin to grow at a steady 6 ounces a week, which means you'll finally be getting some squishy fat on that body of yours.

Well, it's time for us to get some rest now, my love. We love you more than words could ever express. The tears in my eyes as I type that sentence speak more than my words ever could. Sleep tight...sweet dreams.

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