Thursday, February 23, 2012

26 Weeks and 100 Questions

By 26 weeks, there's no hiding that there's a baby in there. My belly is out and my belly button is saluting everyone that sets eyes on it. Inevitably, the questions began to be asked by everyone from my mailman to the cashier at Trader Joe's. Below is the list of questions I have been asked in week 26 of this pregnancy:

  • Have you tried bowling yet? My ex-wife swore that being pregnant helped her game.
    • Umm, no. Though my belly is bigger than a bowling ball at this point.
  • Are you sure you don't want your own glass of wine?
    • No, of course I'm not sure. But that darn maternal guilt gets me every time.
  • How far along are you?
    • Too far to count. But if you'd really like to know, I'm 26 weeks, 6 days, 3 hours, and 15 minutes.
  • When are you due?
    • Too far away to be optimistic. So I say "May 25th." with a "woe is me" look written all over my face.
  • Is it a boy or a girl?
    • It's a boy! That, I say with a smile.
  • Do you have a name?
    • Yes...sweet Leo.
  • Is Lidia excited to be a big sister?
    • Yes, but ask her about a week after Leo is here and I have a feeling she will not be so thrilled anymore.
and, finally, my favorite
  • Are you pregnant?
My favorite answer to that question is, "No, I've just been eating a lot of cheeseburgers lately." It's losing it's luster though, so I'm determined to come up with a more smart-ass answer. I invite any suggestions.

Lettuce Give You Lovin's

Hey Little Leo! We just had the best moment. Lidia made daddy and I laugh so hard that we cried. I wonder what it feels like for you when mommy laughs. I know that I can definitely feel your every move. A little bit ago, it almost seemed like you were moving your fingers around, just tap-tapping on your cozy little amnoitic sac.

In terms of development, your eyelashes are fully grown now. If they are anything like your daddy's, mommy's, and big sister's, then they will be long and luscious! Another exciting development - your eyes are beginning to open up this week. Up to this point, they have been fused shut. Although there's not much to see in your dark haven, I imagine you have been investigating your hands, your feet, and the umbilical cord. I'm sure you will begin to study and take in all of your surroundings.

Well, my son, it's been another amazing week interacting with you. I love you! Keep growing healthy down there and we will keep praying for you.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

25 Weeks - Happy Valentine's Day

A man walks into a bar. A woman immediately notices him. She does nothing but look into his eyes as he passes her, hoping that he will sense her stare. He notices her, looks straight into her eyes and utters two words that would change their lives forever: "Nice hat."

You know how they say you can't possibly meet your soul mate at a bar? Well, Jason and I beg to differ. If it wasn't for that bar, for Jason's slight intoxication, and for my stylish flat cap, we would never have found each other. 7 years ago fate and the good Lord above brought us together. And now, fate and the good Lord above have kept us together: loving, supporting, embracing, and humoring each other. We have a bond that I had only dreamed I would find as a little girl. Jason is the first person, beyond my immediate family, who showed me unconditional love. Without him, I wouldn't be as close to the woman that I am today. In fact, most importantly, I wouldn't be able to be the mother that I am without him.

A second child brings anxiety. People lament over finances, emotional stability, and time-management. I, however, have little to no anxiety about having a second child. As long as Jason is by my side, I know that we can make it through anything life throws at us. And I absolutely cannot wait to have the opportunity to raise another child with the man of my dreams. Our son and daughter can go on through life knowing that they were conceived and brought into the world by two people who were absolutely head-over-heels crazy about one another. Yes, sometimes my office mates can hear me on the phone, yelling, "Schneider!" when he does something I consider stupid. And he's not one to hide his 100 pet peeves with me. But that's what is so great about us - we have conflict, but we work through it. And in the end, we end up laughing about it. He is my rock, my foundation. My Hallmark card to him couldn't have said it better:

"You're my husband, my partner, my friend.
We've been together a long time now.
We've laughed and cried and seen each other through our best and worst and everything in between.
And whenever I look at you, I feel even more love than I've ever felt before.
You're my partner, and you're my best friend, and I ask nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you.
Happy Valentine's Day."

And I would be remiss not to include his Hallmark card to me:

"My love,
I followed my heart, and it led me to you!"

Jason Matthew, I love you now and always.

Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it all...

Our Little Eggplant

It's time to make it official, Leonardo Matthew. That is your name. But of course, you knew that because we talk to you constantly and call you Leo. Did you enjoy the book that Lidia read to you the other night? It's almost as she lulled you to sleep. We got to visit the doctor yesterday to get an update on how you are doing. The doctor stated that your heartbeat was perfect, and that mommy's belly was beautiful. You are doing absolutely wonderful in there. You're growing, moving, and hitting all of your fetal milestones. The doctor did let us know that this time around, we would have the option to be induced at 39 weeks. This means that we would actually get to choose the day that you would be brought into the world. While this idea does seem appealing, mommy and daddy are going to once again attempt to have a natural, unmedicated birth. We want you to come into this world when you are ready.

It's time for mommy to sign off now, my love, my Leo. We started calling Lidia, little Liddie Lou around this time. I think my little Leo lion sounds pretty good for you, son. Keep growing healthy down there and we will keep praying for you. Sweet dreams!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

24 Weeks. The Coast is Clear.

There is something mysteriously settling about being 24 weeks pregnant. While there are no guarantees in life - and no guarantees for life - it brings me peace to know that we have reached the 24 week mark. If, by some ill-fated chance, baby brother was forced to come into this world at this point, there would be a chance for his survival. According to statistics, over half of the babies that are delivered at 24 weeks will live to see life out of NICU. They will most likely be looking at a long stay in the hospital, needing much support when it comes to respiratory function, staying warm, and eating. These little miracles are called micro-preemies and are usually only 1 to 2 pounds. They face many physical and mental challenges that will follow them throughout their life. Though this would be such an unfortunate fate for any baby and any family to have to endure, the great thing about these babies is that they have life - that they have survived.

I have this amazing gift inside of me. The miracle of life. I feel him stretching, kicking, and curling up for a mid-morning snooze. We talk to him, we include him in our daily activities. We want nothing more than to see him and hold him and kiss his sweet lips. However,  my prayers are directed at him to remain growing healthy and strong in his cozy womb for another solid 16 weeks. But, I know feel comfort in knowing that, though never wished for, the silver lining on a preemie baby cloud would be knowing I could now hold him in my arms.

Sweet as a Grapefruit

Hi, my sweet baby boy. I feel like I'm getting to know you very well lately. Lidia and I were coloring tonight and you made it very apparent that you wanted to be a part of the fun, too. Lidia loved to watch my stomach tonight as you kicked, twisted, and turned. She kept talking to you and it's almost as if you would respond to her by giving your "kick" of approval. I have this vision of you sensing her hand on my stomach, and you slowly using all of the coordination that you can muster up to place your hand to meet hers.

Capillaries are now forming in your skin, which will give it that pink glow. You will now begin to grow at a steady 6 ounces a week, which means you'll finally be getting some squishy fat on that body of yours.

Well, it's time for us to get some rest now, my love. We love you more than words could ever express. The tears in my eyes as I type that sentence speak more than my words ever could. Sleep tight...sweet dreams.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

23 Weeks from the Eyes of Lidia

Dear Baby Brother,
Mama was a bit worn out tonight, so I decided to take on the daunting task of writing this blog. I'm not quite sure what I am supposed to write about, so I've decided to just let you know what kind of parents you will have. Daddy is so silly and I can't wait for you to meet him. He will do anything for you. Usually, when mama tells me "no," I go to Daddy and he will give me the "yes" answer that I want. I know as soon as you get here he will take charge, like he did with me. Mama will be pretty run down and physically drained after you arrive. That's when Daddy will swoop in. There were many nights during my first year of life where he would walk around the house for hours with me because I just couldn't figure out how to calm myself. The only thing that brought me peace was being bounced in my Daddy's arms. Daddy is always smiling when it comes to his babies. And it seems like one of his main goals in life is to make sure that I'm smiling, too. During the first two years of my life - and probably yours, too - Daddy stayed home with me every Wednesday. We normally didn't go anywhere - we just stayed home and played. Daddy loves to play with me and he is my favorite playmate.

Now, onto Mommy. You will never receive more kisses from anyone. Mommy loves to kiss and hug me. She will tell you, "Give me lippers!" This makes me feel so loved - and sometimes annoyed. Mommy loves to teach me new things and when I catch on, it is written all over her face how proud she is of me. Mommy tells me everyday, multiple times a day, how much she loves me and missed me while she was at work. You will never question her love for you. Mommy also encourages me to dance and sing. Every night before bath time, I turn on the radio and we dance and sing to the songs on the radio. One of my favorite things to do with Mommy is to go shopping. There is not much that she will say "no" to when it comes to buying things for us (especially clothes). Today, a box came in the mail with clothes for you. Me and mommy had so much fun going through the clothes. I placed them on Mommy's belly for you. I kept saying that you will be so cozy in them.

Baby brother, I can't wait until you come into this world. Our family will not be complete until you get here. Right now, it seems like we are missing someone. And that someone is you!

Little Pomegranate
You, my son, are getting quite big! I can't believe that you are close to being a pound and a half at this point. Just about everyone who I see comments on my belly - and you. You are apparently gearing up to start gaining a lot of weight soon. Right now, you supposedly look like a small - and cute- baby doll.

Right now you can hear just about everything going on in the world outside. That explains why you sometimes move around when the dogs start barking. And as Lidia would say, "They barkin' at nothing."

We can't wait until you get here because we've got lots of lovin' to give you!  Keep growing healthy down there and we will keep praying for you.