Thursday, January 19, 2012

21 Weeks - Not Too Shabby

Our little man is doing great. He is perfect. He is fabulous. I have to keep telling myself those reassuring statements. And why? Because, I have to convince myself that even though this pregnancy is totally different than Lidia's, our son is going to be just as healthy, smart, and funny as she is. Jason and I went to the baby doctor and the results of the ultrasound came back with no issues. At the time, he was weighing in at a healthy 11 ounces. All of my blood work came back as no increased risk of him having any kind of major genetic defects. So, even though I am still nauseated (and even vomitted this week), it doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with him. Perhaps it just means that I got lucky the first time around. The doctor told us that the third baby is always the best pregnancy because with the first two combined, you end up having every single symptom there is. So when number three comes along, there are no surprises. You have already experienced all there is to experience and you know that it's normal, and that your baby will be normal, too. And there couldn't be anything more normal than a baby the size of a banana.

Goin' Bananas Over You!
Son, you sure do know how to brighten my day. I can't help but stop what I'm doing, sit back, put my hand on my belly, and just relish in the moment. I made the mistake of watching birth stories this week and I sobbed like a baby at every single one of them. The reason why? Because I absolutely am pining for the day when we get to experience your birth and bring you into this world. I never stop thanking God for you, my darling boy. You are a miracle - twisting and turning inside of me. You are big enough for me to feel you moving, but not so big that you are cramped. Soon, though, you will be more constricted. So take advantage of your ability to twist, flip, and dance! Keep growing healthy and we will keep praying for you. Goodnight our love!

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