Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Symptoms - 17 Weeks

I thought this might be a good opportunity to talk about the pregnancy symptoms I've been having lately, as I haven't touched on them in awhile.

Nausea. The nausea has definitely let up, but there are residual effects that still pop up every now and then. After a bought with the stomach flu last weekend, my nausea came crashing back for a week. Now, it is leveling off once again and I am able to eat without hesitation at just about any time of the day. And, I can (and will) eat just about anything.

Round Ligament Pain. I have also been having some significant round ligament pain, which I have been told is very common in subsequent pregnancies. Basically, it is just shooting pain around the abdomen (where the round ligament is located).

Headaches. When not pregnant, I may get a headache once a quarter, if that. Lately, I've been getting them everyday. I'm avoiding medicine, but not for any other reason than me being stubborn. Chai Lattes seem to cure them very well.

The Show Stopper. Finally, my familiar friend, constipation, is causing some problems once again. The iron supplement I have to take is only making the 8-car pile-up worse. However, I have found ways to combat it - beans and fruit!

Acne. I can't decide if I'm having issues or if I'm just used to my teenage skin. Looking back at Lidia's blog, I definitely do not have it as bad as I did with her. And if I do get it, it seems to clear up pretty quickly - and my concealer helps, too. :)

Mood. I'm pretty dry lately. Perhaps its just the grayness of the days, the pitch black at 5 o'clock, or my exhaustion, but my mood has hit the downward slope faster that an Olympic tobogganer. One day I'm up, the next day I'm down. One day nothing bothers me, and the next day I'm irritated at a person who doesn't say "thank you" after I held the door for her.

Boobs. They're big. And they're sore. The only one who isn't complaining is Jason. Definitely didn't have this with Lidia. Does it mean that it's a boy? Or maybe that's just what happens with baby #2. Hopefully this means my milk will come in quicker this time around!

Overall, when I'm not too tired to hold my head up, I am doing pretty well. The symptoms that I do have aren't so bad that they interfere with my daily routine. Some days are better than others - hell, some weeks are better than others. I'm not going to complain, though, because it's all a part of this beautiful miracle that is baby peanut.

Tearing Up
Baby peanut, we had an awesome doctor's appointment on Monday with you. While we didn't get another ultrasound, we did schedule the most important ultrasound of this pregnancy. And get this - it's in 2 weeks! In 2 weeks we will find out your gender and we will be able to start calling you by name (and by proper pronoun!). We are so excited and have decided to have your big sister be a part of this momentous day, too. Make sure you wave to us!

You have been quite the mover lately! This past week was the first week I could, without a doubt, feel you moving. It happens several times a day - mostly after I have eaten and I am sitting or laying down. Your movements bring the biggest smile to my face! It's all I need to feel to reassure me that you are doing perfectly down there.

The big things that are happening to you this week are stronger bones and fat build-up. This explains why I can now feel you move so well - you're putting some meat on those bones!

Finally, I'll close by saying that the doctor listened to your heartbeat this week at our appointment. As she listened to your heartbeat, I watched her facial expression closely and it was almost as if she was hearing the sweetest melody of her life. This reassured me that everything is as it should be with you. When our babies are well and happy, only then can daddy and I be happy, too.

We love you, peanut!

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