Wednesday, December 14, 2011

16 Weeks = 4 months = 6 months left!

What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. William Shakespeare

If you are like my mom, you may think that our name choices are “out there.” Yes, they are unique, but only a few are obscure. We honestly don’t know what names we will pick, and probably won’t know until closer to the 20-week mark. Names are important to us in this family. One of the reasons I kept my maiden name is because it identifies me as Italian. However, Jason is just as much Italian as I am, but it comes from his mother’s side. Our desire for our children’s first names to be Italian-rooted came from the fact that our children's last names won't be Italian.
One of the reasons why it is important for us (OK…me) to have our children's first names be Italian is because that is what we are – Italian. Everyone needs a culture to identify with and Italian is ours. My paternal grandpa, Antonio, came to America from Italy when he was 9. My paternal grandma, Natalia, was born in America, but both of her parents came from Italy. Jason’s maternal grandpa, Quirino, and maternal grandma, Genevieve, both are from Italy. This makes Jason and me both half Italian, which makes our children half Italian, too. Being Italian is a common thread that brings us closer together as a family. We love pasta, meatballs, garlic, bread, wine, and gathering with family. We have big noses, big appetites, and big personalities. Jason and I were raised with very similar morals and values because of the similarities of our backgrounds. And we hope to one day travel back to our roots in the Italian countryside, where grape vines are plentiful, land is great, and the fresh Mediterranean Sea can be smelled in the air.

In conclusion, while you may think that our chosen name is a foolish name, remember this quote:

Names, once they are in common use, quickly become mere sounds, their etymology being buried, like so many of the earth's marvels, beneath the dust of habit. -Salman Rushdie

And, my final thought: Once baby peanut makes his/her entrance into the world with his/her given name, we won’t even be able to imagine peanut with any other name.

Mommy's going to make this a quick one, little peanut, because my bed is calling my name. Mommy just got diagnosed with anemia, which explains her extreme fatigue lately. Not to worry - you are getting all the iron that you need, which is why mommy is struggling so much! I have been ordered to take an additional iron supplement, which will hopefully put me out of anemia range.

I cannot believe you are 5 inches in length! You are getting so big - you're also growing those long eye lashes. You can now move your eyes, but your eyelids are still fused shut. And, most importantly, you can hear us now! Daddy and I will be sure to sing you a sweet lullaby tonight.

Goodnight, my love. Keep growing healthy and strong!

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