Thursday, March 29, 2012

31 Weeks - Meet Leo!

I have nothing more to share this week than the fabulous 3D pictures of our baby boy. I now know that he is head down with his head looking at my left hip, his butt is positioned right below my right rib-cage, and his legs and arms are just about everywhere.

He's got his Daddy's nose

 Cute, chubby cheeks

Legs and arms everywhere!

 Looks like he is smelling his foot!

He's got his mommy, daddy, and sister's plump lips.

 Look at that cute little ear and those precious wrinkles!

Sweet Little Pineapple
Leo, it was so amazing to see you last night. You were very active an hour  before our appointment, but then decided to take a snooze right before it was showtime. You had your hand in front of your face for most of the ultrasound, but the technician was able to poke you enough to get you to move for a couple of quick shots. I know one thing for sure - you sure are a handsome baby boy!

Apparently, you are now between 2 1/2 and 4 pounds. As big as mommy's belly is, I'm guessing that you are closer to the 4 pound mark.Your brain and nervous system are continuing to grow rapidly at this point and all of your 5 senses are fully formed.

Well, my sweet Leo, I can't believe that the next time we will see you we will actually be holding you in our arms. We love you so much! Keep growing healthy and we will keep praying for you:)

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